New Pressure Sensor Designs
New Pressure Sensor designs will change your industry. In fact, these new pressure sensor designs will change many industries. The reasons are many and include; cost, usability, reliability, flexibility, durability, and portability.
A pressure sensor can measure the pressure of gases and liquids. A pressure sensor usually acts as a transducer. Its function is to create a usable and measurable signal. The variety of pressure sensors is great. They differ in design, application, technology, and cost to be sure. Often these required measurements take place within the industrial and manufacturing arenas. The Oil & Gas Industry is no exception. The measurement of Oil & Gas pressure within a pipe is critical to the success and safety of the Oil & Gas Industry.
Oil & Gas Wells, on and off-shore, Refineries, and Pipe Lines all use tremendous amounts of pressure sensors. Today, almost all of these measurements are taking place inside of a pipe or vessel full of a Liquid or Gas. It’s all about to change. Technology now exists that allows for this change. Measurements of pressure can now be taken of pipes and vessels full of a Liquid and Gas without penetrating that pipe or vessel. The new pressure sensors can be simply wrapped around the pipe or vessel.

Advanced Sensor Design of Houston, TX has developed and patented a “Universal Pressure Strap” that measures the pressure of liquids and gases within pipes and vessels without having to penetrate or puncture that pipe or vessel. This unique product has a fast installation time. It has a low startup cost, and a low overall cost. The Universal Pressure Strap offers safety and environmental protection for its users. This new pressure sensor wraps around the pipe. A pipe of any size, a pipe of any volume, and a pipe of any pressure can be measured with our Universal pressure Strap. Call or Contact Us for information and a FREE demonstration.
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